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Custom Homes
Shore Division

1200 West Bay Avenue
Barnegat, NJ 08005


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Custom Homes
PA Division

2310 Terwood Drive
Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006


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Superstorm Sandy Relief… Rebuilding Your Jersey Shore Home

We would like to thank all of the volunteers and workers who are helping to rebuild our beloved Jersey Shore. There is no end to the words which can describe the power and spirit of the people who live at and love the shore.

Because you will be rebuilding your home by the ocean, there are several local, state and federal regulations that you'll need to meet. If you have specific questions regarding any of these regulations, give a call to Mignatti Custom Home Director, Ray Devine, who can help you navigate the sea of requirements.

Some requirements to consider...

  • The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the state of New Jersey have developed new advisory flood maps. These maps outline the new requirements for finished floor heights for homes within flood-prone areas. These elevations are required of all structures wishing to subscribe to federal flood insurance programs.

  • Ask Ray to help you determine what flood zone your home is located within, if any. Some of the more common zones are V, Coastal A and A. Zones determine the foundation type (piling or masonry) and the designed bracing method needed.

  • When rebuilding your shore home, you will also need to consider the soil/sand criteria and the exterior finishes that can help with wind and rain resistance. The distance of your home from the ocean will determine the window classification that will be required.

Helpful links…

State of NJ, Hurricane Sandy Information

FEMA National Flood Insurance Program

FEMA Hotline
For National Flood Insurance and Mitigation Techniques
Mon - Fri from 8:00am to 4:30 pm

Disaster Assistance

FEMA Region 2 Mapping Website

FEMA Hurricane Sandy Info

ICC Grant (type "ICC Grant" into the search box on the homepage of the FEMA website)

New Jersey Office of Emergency Management